Thursday, December 27, 2012

Delirious Nights

Go down the West
West to the specially built vault
Open the chamber, let yourself in
Make sure they don't catch you
Make sure they don't catch you thine
Predate, Debate, Rebate
Get set in the glue
Hoard the glee

All attention,
Take up your feet
Raise your army
Hang your swords
For you are the pilot and of your words
No more close, no way too far
No retrench in the wall
Go on,
Let the fire touchdown, upon the pyre
Make me proud
In the way you resound
For when I come, I will not sound.
You will hear me, when you listen
I will not frown, I will not drown
I will wait, make it worthwhile
For when I come, I will not sound.

You make the occasion, you build the excitement
You play the violence, recede by, bring around
For when I come, I will not sound.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You - A Reluctant Bunbury

There was a time when falling out was unintentional, or intentionally quiet,
Getting up was the thing, a thing within, a long-cherished dream,
Where you were fed to keep going, you were supposed to make things happen.
The syllables you got to know, you have to know or you need to know were of the bare syllabus,
“Stay away from literary profanities. You are a prodigy. Yo.” They said, you believed.
Yes you believed, glad to be a partner in credo, yes you perceived happiness.
Yes you got lost in the world of forces, inertia and momentums. Yes the world of molecules, bonds, matter and energy was the solace comprehended,
Yes the tracheids and the vessels, the carbohydrates and sugars, the enzymes made up your systems,
You built a world, you built a wall around your world,
You were judged by the answers you wrote, not how well you wrote but how well you rote,
The grades were the only savior of your seemingly exhausted opportunities, the god’s penny,
Like the grades were all you work for, you live for, you die for.

Now I know where you went wrong, were always wrong,
They feared, apprehended, anticipated discernment, and you
You like an impeccable destitute apportioned your share of fright,
Your stupendous ingenuity, your ingenuous stupidity.
Now I know they were a demented civilization,
And you, even worse, a fool for a promised fool’s paradise,
Now I know a whole world exists outside the theories of science and maths and economics,
A world of lives, a world of people, a world of stories, a world of unrelenting marches people make, a world of nourished dreams,
A world full of the symphony of arts, the cacophony of history, the glamour of literature, the interminable swath of culture, the eternal beauty of philosophy,
A world of glorified simplicity, simply a world within

A little of these had never hurt anyone,
Neither an excess of it.

Except you,
Except us,
Too afraid to take a chance
Too afraid to make a course correction
Too afraid to not fear the unknown
Too afraid to embrace what has lived through thousand years of human civilization
Too afraid to endure time-tested human nobilities
Too afraid to try something new, once, even just for once
They were afraid, you were afraid
It has always been that way.

And here you are,
Speculative in the afterglow
Lost in the afterthoughts
What did you miss?
What didn’t you suffice?
When our fellow humans have been mapping out the perimeters of the space and galaxies,
When our fellow humans have been enriching our world with new words and ideas, new ways to love, live, enjoy,
When our fellow humans have been devising wonders after wonders,
When our fellow humans have been making us proud,

You sit quietly, completing your daily quota of 9-5 jobs
Glued to the LCD screens
Glued to the headphones
‘Why didn’t we?’
‘Why can’t we?’
Lamenting, Resenting, Stewing
For a lost chance
A lost generation
A lost you
A lost us.

Oh! What a waste.
Avoid me on @anupdgn